The 128GB Sandisk Ultra Plus proved to be a bit of a disappointment in comparison to its larger 256GB sibling. The 256GB version has more NAND modules which enable peak sequential write speeds in the region of 450 MB/s. On the 128GB version we saw a peak sequential write speed of just 279 MB/s which is significantly lower than the market leaders which also manage to hit the high 400's. Across the core performance metrics, the 128GB Ultra Plus is around 25% slower than the average of its top competitors and, unlike its 256GB sibling, really struggles to keep up with its direct competition. In terms of value for money the Ultra Plus fares a little better thanks to its reasonably low price tag but there are far better deals to be had in the 128GB category. [Feb '14SSDrivePro]
Welcome to our SSD comparison. We calculate effective speed for both SATA and NVMe drives based on real world performance then adjust by current prices per GB to yield a value for money rating. Our calculated values are checked against thousands of individual user ratings. The customizable table below combines these factors to bring you the definitive list of top SSDs. [SSDrivePro]
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